Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Celebrating This Beautiful Earth

If Life is a Game... These are the Rules Movie

If Life is a Game... These are the Rules Movie: Have you ever thought..."I wish life came with an instruction manual"? That's why the 10 Rules for Being Human are so important. They answer the fundamental question...What is the purpose of life?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Super Immunity: Superfoods, Superherbs and Super Products that promote the Best Health and Immune System Ever : It's All About Women!:

'via Blog this'
Finally!! Sorry for no posts in the month of November, but I couldn't figure out how to share from my upgraded IE-big surprise there, right?!  Anyway, my default browser is now the lovely and talented Google Chrome and I'm lovin' it!!  So, once again, my posts are being posted :-)  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving-full of family and fun-and I'm hoping even harder that all of my friends have the most joyous Christmas season ever!!!!!!!
Make Your Own Christmas Gift Wrap - DailyCandy

'via Blog this'

Monday, September 12, 2011

Wisdom from Women... who Made Things Happen Movie

Wisdom from Women... who Made Things Happen Movie: Throughout history there have been incredible women who have lead us, inspired us and encouraged us to do the right thing. The woman in this short movie all have one thing in common; rather than taking the road well traveled... they decided to blaze their own trail!

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee Beans Movie

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee Beans Movie: All of us at one time or another have experienced a difficult situation, had setbacks, or dealt with our share of disappointment. Most things that happen to us on a daily basis we can’t control and I can honestly say (with conviction) that it is not what happens to us that matters but rather, how we choose to respond.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Organic Cows: 13 Things You Need to Know Rodale News

Eat Wild!

Eat Wild

Dreams are Whispers From the Soul Movie

Dreams are Whispers From the Soul Movie: There are many different aspects that live inside of us and two of them have respectfully been dubbed the Dreamer and Doubter. When it comes to pursuing your dreams, The Dreamer is often gung ho while the Doubter can provide a laundry list of concerns and issues. Your movie today will inspire you to find your purpose and passion in life while you strive to live your dreams.
Home Remedies for Insomnia, Hair, Nails, Dry Skin - AARP

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Healthy, Ecofriendly Choices On the Way Rodale News
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Want People to Eat Poison" Rodale News

FaceBook Like You Back today!

Are you looking for new Facebook pages to follow and new friends who like your page? Then join us!

1.Add your Facebook page to the Linky below (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all). Please link up directly to your Facebook page only. All other links will be deleted.

2.Click on the Facebook link for the 6 hosts and “like” them on Facebook. Leave a comment on their wall and they will like-you-back.

3.Like as many more Facebook pages as you want, leaving comments with links so they’ll know where to like-you-back.

The Facebook Page of the Week is The Attic Girl! It takes the next spot on the Linky under the hosts and will get a shout out on each of the hosts’ Facebook pages! Next week’s page of the week will be drawn from all of the entries from this week’s hop.

Thanks to our wonderful hosts this week:

•Kelly’s Lucky You

•Heavenly Mommy

•Baby Cachet

•Belly Charms

•This Mama Loves Her Bargains

•Madame Deals

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cleaning with Herbs & Spices Care2 Healthy & Green Living
Wisdom from Women... who Made Things Happen Movie: "Throughout history there have been incredible women who have lead us, inspired us and encouraged us to do the right thing. The woman in this short movie all have one thing in common; rather than taking the road well traveled... they decided to blaze their own trail!"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We Can Make a Difference!

Change the World Movie: "I truly believe that most of the time...less is more. Sometimes, certain things viewed in certain ways have the ability to make an impact on our life in a positive way. I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, "It is not fair to ask of others, what you are unwilling to do yourself""

Tuesday, January 18, 2011